The change of seasons can be hard on many of us. Even if you are right now transitioning to your favourite season like I am – fall! I just find the air crisper, the sky bluer and the lack of hot temperatures and pesty bugs gives me energy and desire…
Category: depression, hope

Do you like my new coat? Actually it is an old coat, I’ve had it for eight years and I bought it at a thrift shop so who knows how old it really is. During some of the wet and dreary days of April here I had a hankering for…

Home Sweet Home
Good weather really is great isn’t it? I look happy for two reasons. One, it was a beautiful day, and was so happy to have one more great day on the ocean. But secondly, I was all packed to go home. I am a homebody and I was missing the…

“You Will Be His Whole World”
Meet my emotional support dog. My little Yorkie, Casey, makes a bad day better. He is like medication, therapy, and a good friend all wrapped into one little dog. He is my emotional support dog. Oh, I know, all of our pets are emotionally supportive, right? The picture shown is…

When I am Weak, He is Strong
‘When I am weak then I am strong’ popped into my head during my morning devotions and I looked it up. It is found in 2 Corinthians 12:9-11. Well it actually says “When I am weak, He is strong”, My Bible Tells Me So. The idea here is that we…

“Jump to the Recipe!”
‘Baby Boomer’ was a favourite movie for me. It’s old, but so am I. I can identify with the main character in so many ways. One way is that she is a ‘bottom-line’ kind of gal. She wants her information, short and to the point. In the story, a fancy,…

HOPE often comes in the form of HELP. After all, HOPE is HELPFUL, do you agree? Sometimes help comes without our seeking it. But more often it comes when we do seek it. And the dear people I was speaking to last week at the Havelock Centre, indicated their desire…

Divine Depression
Did you read that correctly – ‘Divine Depression’? Why would I even say such a thing? I mean doesn’t ‘divine’ mean excellent or delightful or beautiful or even godly? Can depression possibly be any of those things? Well, no it can’t. It’s awful. It’s depression. And believe me, I take…

Holding Hands for Depression
I’ll never forget one time when my husband and I were walking through a campground holding hands. We walked by another couple setting up their stuff and the husband said, “If my wife sees you she’ll say to me, ‘See, lots of other husbands are willing to hold their wife’s…