Travelling with depression can be hard. It is for me. But the Toronto Island Airport is a dream. This picture shown is just one aspect of this delightful flying experience. This is a tunnel that goes under the lake to get to the island. The first time I went there I was a little nervous about walking under the lake. What would the tunnel look like? How long would it take? I’m a little claustrophobic so I was anxious. But look at this! It is bright, beautiful, clean, and spacious and the walk only takes five minutes!
I am originally from Toronto, and where I live now, an hour away, we usually use the Pearson International Airport in Toronto to fly anywhere. But now there is this wonderful little airport on the island that is a dream compared to the big airport. And it suits me just fine. I am not a good traveler. A lot of people with depression find that to be so. Crowds are part of that problem. But there are no crowds here!
And then there’s the runway. No taxiing, no waiting in line.
Now as you can see, both the take-off and landing are a wee bit scary as you are so close to the water, but that is also rather exciting.
I am flying to Sault Ste Marie, Ontario to visit some of my family. The one and a half hour flight is so much better than the ten hour drive. And at the end of the flight I have people who love me waiting for me. That makes the ‘I hate traveling’ so worth it!
Travelling with depression is tough, but you know, lots of people find travelling stressful, not just me. But I’m ready for it. I have an audiobook to listen to (‘Last Bookshop in London’ by Madeline Martin, if you love books and enjoy WWII stories, this is the book for you!) and a puzzle book to keep my hands busy. If I get a wee bit anxious I will just do some deep breathing. The depression that I live with is not in full swing all the time. Thankfully I have less and less depressive episodes and they are shorter and shorter. But I am still emotionally fragile and I factor that into my daily activities and especially into something as challenging as travel. Anything out of my comfort zone is difficult and I prepare carefully with the knowledge and awareness that I have acquired over the years.
But I am thankful for this trip. I have good enough health to make such a trip and I am on good enough terms with my family that they still want me to come and visit them! And I forgot – I have my Lord, God himself, with me all the way. What a friend, what a comfort to know the one and only true living God.
Do you know him? It’s easy. Just talk to him.
How about you? Do you like to travel? How do you cope with activities that you have to do but you don’t enjoy? Do you have a strategy? Don’t give up. There is hope. There is always hope.
Thanks for sharing your blog Wendy. Such great insights and encouragement for others. Have a great trip to see your family. Hugs, Lisa
Thanks Lisa, I did have a great trip!