Does planning excite you like this? Oh to be that young and pure and think that everything is exciting and fun and there is so much to look forward to. I have some grandchildren who are still young enough to get this excited. It’s precious.
Does planning help you to look forward or does it just make you think of all of the plans you have made before and didn’t finish? Does that make you feel like NOT planning just to avoid disappointment?
I was a teacher for many years so September was a time for new plans. That has stuck with me. I think lots of people find the fall, or maybe the new year a time for reaccessing some parts of their lives and making plans. But I’m a planner by nature. What about you?
Here is a quote from Robert Schuller that inspired me years ago and still does today: “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Is that harsh or is it true or both?
The bible has something to say about plans too in Proverbs 16:9 “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Could this mean that plans are worthless without God’s help? Definitely pray over your plans. That is a reminder for me today.
I am making a lot of plans lately. I shared that with you last time and promised an update. So here it is.
Diabetes diet research: I have continued the research, made a few notes, made some changes in our diets and that is about it so far. I have a long way to go and sometimes this past week I have wondered if we will succeed with this. Time will tell. But I still have a plan I have not executed yet and that is to put together a binder (I love binders!) with all my information in it, plus a section for new recipes. So I will keep you up-to-date on that.
My other plans include creating ways to promote my book. The biggest success I have achieved so far is to stop researching. It is making me cross-eyed. I love research but there is a time to quit and just get started. I know that social media is the best way to promote these days but that is a challenge for me. It is like wearing high heels, which I hate and I haven’t worn in years. Give me my Birkenstocks, please! However, some ideas are simmering and I have begun a list.
Both of these are hard tasks and require plans. How about you? Do you have any projects ahead that you need to plan for? How about your mood, do you need to plan ahead to account for your mental state? Planning gives shape and structure. Planning is a good thing.
Because of my own mental instability, I have to factor my limitations into my plans. I have to ask myself important questions like ‘am I taking on too much?’ or ‘is this realistic for me?’ or ‘am I setting myself up for disappointment and failure?’
One of the ways I can answer that is to realize that these two sets of plans, diabetes diet and promoting my book, don’t involve other people. It is people that exhaust me, not plans, so maybe I am safe for now. We will see.
Don’t give up. If you quit, start again. I am praying for you.
There is hope. There is always hope.