It’s here! My precious book, a devotional. It has been a wee bit like having a baby. Nine months of writing, three months of revisions and voila! The baby is here.
All of that anticipation and now what am I left with? Well, sharing it with you! Showing off my baby – but wait. What else happens after the baby arrives? Work! More work than you ever imagined.
What kind of work am I talking about? Promoting my precious book, that’s the work. So far I have shared it on Facebook (Wendy Love Clark) and managed to sell a lot of books to family and friends. Just like a new baby, people come to see. Showing off this baby has been fun, way more fun than taking care of a baby.
But now, more promotion. What I am hoping to do is speak, and speak and speak. And that is not work for me. I love sharing the gospel, sharing my journey with depression, how my faith has helped me with that, and sharing my book.
So, if your church has a ladies’ group or a seniors group who would like a speaker, I’m your gal!
In the meantime, go to ‘Book’ at the top of this website for more information on how you can get your copy.
How to buy my devotional book you ask? Check it out on this website under ‘Books’ for all the information.
Happy reading. May God bless you as you spend time with him each day. ‘God is our refuge and strength’, My Bible Tells Me So.