Devotions and date night? That’s an interesting comparison. When I was a young mom, my husband and I used to have date nights. It would be an evening where we would get a babysitter and set time apart for each other. That time would be used to just be together, and give each other some attention.
That is the same idea behind ‘devotions’, a term Christians use to describe our time spent alone with God. In my case, I do my ‘devotions’ in the morning before I start the rest of my day. I have a little notebook, a devotional book, and my precious bible. I read a bit of each and make some notes if I feel like it. And then I pray. It is a precious time, just for God and me. I get to know him better and love him more and more and more.
Doing devotions is like having a date with God. This is a time no one can take away from you. This is just between you and God. It is time spent you will never regret. James 4:8 says “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.” That’s a promise.
Do you have a devotional book to add to your quiet time with God? There are so many good ones to choose from. Over the years my devotional books have become like a precious friend.
Maybe my devotional book ‘My Bible Tells Me So’ would be a good addition to your ‘date night with God’?