Devotions and date night? That’s an interesting comparison. When I was a young mom, my husband and I used to have date nights. It would be an evening where we would get a babysitter and set time apart for each other. That time would be used to just be together,…
Category: My Bible Tells Me So
Home Sweet Home
Good weather really is great isn’t it? I look happy for two reasons. One, it was a beautiful day, and was so happy to have one more great day on the ocean. But secondly, I was all packed to go home. I am a homebody and I was missing the…
Just Leave Me Alone!
I don’t mean it the way it sounds – really! But if you were to ask me what is my favourite thing to do I would say ‘just leave me alone’. That is my favourite thing to do. I love being alone better than anything. And if I don’t get…
A Moving Experience
“Never again!” I say after every move! How about you? When was your last moving experience? Moving is physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting for everyone. Thinking, packing, loading, unloading, thinking, unpacking, thinking, putting away, thinking, settling in. I am exhausted just thinking about it. Moving ranks high on the list…
Between the Covers
“My Bible Tells Me So” continues to sell to new readers. And we have only just begun. It’s exciting! Selling books is a lot different from writing books. Selling is not one of my gifts, writing is. Lucky for me, my husband has a gift for selling and a knack…
My Book Has Arrived!
It’s here! My precious book, a devotional. It has been a wee bit like having a baby. Nine months of writing, three months of revisions and voila! The baby is here. All of that anticipation and now what am I left with? Well, sharing it with you! Showing off my…
Kindness – Gentle or Powerful or Both?
Kindness is multiplied when it is given at a difficult time. I vividly remember the kindness shown to me when my father died, or when my marriage failed. ‘Be kind’… is that ever the wrong thing to do? Kindness is both gentle and powerful at the same time. Recently I…
Running with Patience
My devotion this morning was about ‘running with patience’, now there is a contradiction in terms! My favorite devotional is called Streams in the Dessert and if you want to read today’s entry (October 30) about running with patience you can check it out for yourself. And just why is…