‘Baby Boomer’ was a favourite movie for me. It’s old, but so am I. I can identify with the main character in so many ways. One way is that she is a ‘bottom-line’ kind of gal. She wants her information, short and to the point. In the story, a fancy,…

FAITH is Free! FAITH is EASY! Do you Believe me?
Faith is easy to get, but hard to accept. It’s so easy to get but hard to believe that something so amazing could be that easy. Can it really be that easy to just say “I believe” and then you do? Sometimes when people take that big “leap of faith”…

Casey at the Bat!
‘Casey at the Bat’ is a famous poem by Ernest Lawrence Thayer. It is kind of a fun read if you care to look it up. And when I say my dog is named ‘Casey’, it is surprising how often people will quote that poem. If I were to write…

My Book Has Arrived!
It’s here! My precious book, a devotional. It has been a wee bit like having a baby. Nine months of writing, three months of revisions and voila! The baby is here. All of that anticipation and now what am I left with? Well, sharing it with you! Showing off my…

Small Baby, Big God
What would your nativity look like? Mine would look like the East General Hospital in Toronto, Ontario. Babies in the 50s in Toronto would have been born in hospitals and attended by nurses and doctors in a nice clean sterile operating room. Each of our births is something to be…

HOPE often comes in the form of HELP. After all, HOPE is HELPFUL, do you agree? Sometimes help comes without our seeking it. But more often it comes when we do seek it. And the dear people I was speaking to last week at the Havelock Centre, indicated their desire…

Christmas is Coming – Hooray? or Yikes?
Beware! Christmas is coming! Unlike the words in the song, Christmas is not ‘The Most Wonderful Time of the Year’ for many, especially those of us who live with the challenge of depression. And for me the challenge of depression, which is often worse at this time of year. But it is apparently,…

A Hallmark Christmas – Warm, Colourful, Happy Ending, but wait!
If you already suffer from anxiety and depression at this time of year, if you already get stressed out at Christmas, then be warned! Hallmark Christmas movies can be depressing! They set a bar that no one can reach. But there is hope. Now don’t get me wrong. I love…

Kindness – Gentle or Powerful or Both?
Kindness is multiplied when it is given at a difficult time. I vividly remember the kindness shown to me when my father died, or when my marriage failed. ‘Be kind’… is that ever the wrong thing to do? Kindness is both gentle and powerful at the same time. Recently I…

Running with Patience
My devotion this morning was about ‘running with patience’, now there is a contradiction in terms! My favorite devotional is called Streams in the Dessert and if you want to read today’s entry (October 30) about running with patience you can check it out for yourself. And just why is…