Good weather really is great isn’t it? I look happy for two reasons. One, it was a beautiful day, and was so happy to have one more great day on the ocean. But secondly, I was all packed to go home. I am a homebody and I was missing the family. We have been going to Myrtle Beach for several winters now. I highly recommend it. Winter is the off-season for them and it is not very expensive to go there. But we are home now and look what I see out of my kitchen window today!
How about you? Do you love ‘home’? Are you happy at ‘home’? Most of the activities I enjoy take place in my home, sewing, painting, writing, and visiting with friends and family. And one other activity I love is sorting out cupboards and drawers. In my family we call it the ‘sorting gene’ and we just can’t help ourselves. A day of puttering is a fun day for me.
I can do some of these things in Myrtle Beach, some not. But one thing that does not change from home to Myrtle Beach is depression. Depression does not take a holiday. Many friends think that I am bound to feel better in better weather but not so. I still get the occasional low day down there, despite the weather and the great view of the ocean.
But do you know what else I take with me to Myrtle Beach? My good husband, my bible, my sewing, my writing, and my Lord. That’s right, God goes with me wherever I go. He will never leave me or forsake me. (Hebrews 13:5)
The apartment I live in at home is not nearly as lovely as the one I rent in Myrtle Beach. And certainly, my view is not as spectacular. But still, it is my favourite. It is home. It’s where my stuff is and where my family is.
So, as I enjoy settling in I am also looking forward to getting back to promoting my book locally. I will keep you up-to-date on speaking events.
I love my home, but this is not where I will live out my life. I have a home waiting for me in heaven, way better than this one. Do you?
Philippians 3:20-21 (NIV)
“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.”