‘When I am weak then I am strong’ popped into my head during my morning devotions and I looked it up. It is found in 2 Corinthians 12:9-11. Well it actually says “When I am weak, He is strong”, My Bible Tells Me So. The idea here is that we cannot experience God’s strength until we are so weak that we have nowhere else to turn but to God. It is only through that desperation that we can meet God, fall at his feet in our weakness, and wait for him to be God, to be strong for us, to be for us what we can’t be for ourselves.
I am feeling weak and defeated this morning. I have lived with chronic back pain for most of my adult life. I have occasional pain-free days, but that is rare. Other days are manageable and I can go about my daily life despite the pain. And then there are the days where that pain robs my joy, makes life impossible, and takes my feeble mind down to its lowest point.
That was yesterday. So what do I do? I do all of the things I have done over the years, ly down, heat, muscle relaxants, rest. And yet there is still that voice “Here I go again. Will this ever go away? Why me? Haven’t I suffered enough?” You get the idea. Self-pity takes over.
As soon as I read that scripture again, I remembered that weakness, and was the very thing that brought me to God the first time and every other time, again and again. It is through my need, my weakness, my defeat, my depression, and my pain that I have sought God and found him. Is it worth it? Yes! When I am weak, he is strong.
Some wonderful songs capture this great message. You may want to look them up and listen to them today. Here is one, but I don’t know about you, but when I look up just one song, I find all sorts of others that minister to me as well. Take some time today and let music minister to your deepest needs, the ones God already knows about.