‘Baby Boomer’ was a favourite movie for me. It’s old, but so am I. I can identify with the main character in so many ways. One way is that she is a ‘bottom-line’ kind of gal. She wants her information, short and to the point.
In the story, a fancy, successful, city woman adopts a baby and moves to the country. The country house is old and things keep falling apart. She doesn’t know anything about such things having lived in an upscale condo in New York City. First, a leaking roof, then electrical problems, and finally the furnace needs to be replaced. And when the water stops running and the plumber comes to check out her well, she has had enough. The plumber tries to explain what is going on and she says “I want to turn on the faucet and have water. I don’t want to know where it comes from.”
That’s how I feel a lot of the time. And when I look up a recipe online, if there is a chance to click on ‘jump to the recipe’ then I will do that. All I want is a recipe, not a story to go with it.
My mother-in-law on the other hand loves the story. Details interest her, every detail. The destination is not more important than the journey.
Recently the family was together and one our grandsons, three years old, brought one of his favourite books with him. It was a cookbook of all things. Anyway, my ninety-seven-year-old mother-in-law happened to pick it up and she loved it. Unlike cookbooks from her era, there were pictures and stories about every recipe. She loved all of that background information.
Two different people, needing two different ways of receiving information. It’s good to know what we are like, to accept ourselves the way we are, and work with what we’ve got. God created each of us to be unique. It is not a ‘one size fits all’. If he is glad with our uniqueness, then we should be too.
In Psalm 139:14, David says ‘I praise you Lord for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…’. Can you praise him like that this morning? You are not one of his mistakes. He did not create you on a bad day. God knew what he was doing when he created you and he is pleased with you.
It’s okay to be pleased with yourself too. The bottom line? God loves you just the way you are!