I love planning! It usually requires fresh paper, maybe even a new notebook. I love notebooks! A new plan requires looking forward, thinking about a good way to do things whether it is a work plan, a diet plan, a budget plan or maybe just a personal growth plan.
But maybe the hardest part of a plan is change. We all find change hard. Even if our habits are terrible they are ours and we are used to them. But we all want better for ourselves, right? Or do we? Only you can decide.
Most of us can do that, most of us understand what the point is. Budgeting for instance, not hard in theory and we all know it works. Finding ideas for budgeting is easy too. But sticking to it is hard.
Dieting, is not hard in theory, the end result is feeling better and looking better, who doesn’t want that? Sometimes even dieting is not too hard for some. But sticking to a plan even after you lose weight can be the hardest part. Maintaining it is hard.
My husband has diabetes two, and even though he is on medication, his blood sugar went up and so we must change the way we eat. I am doing the research and making a plan. I love doing that. But it will be a challenge, just sticking to it. So easy when I don’t feel like preparing a meal to just have a bowl of cereal (not a good choice!) or a peanut butter sandwich (another bad choice!)
Currently I am making plans to launch my book and promote it. This is a big change from writing but just as important. In the information that my publisher, Friesen Press, hands out about promotion there was an interesting quote: “Planning forces us to remember our initial motivations and helps us create a clear path to achieve our goals.”
I thought that was interesting. ‘Remembering our initial motivations’ is a good idea for all of us.
When it comes to depression, my motivation is to feel better. If that requires a plan then count me in.
And the idea that ‘making a plan can help create a path to achieving our goals’ also encourages me.
Frankly, there are days when I don’t even want to make goals. Sometimes I feel that is just setting me up for failure. Right now I am starting to read my bible from the beginning. I have done that several times before. So far I am doing well but a little voice will say ‘who are you kidding? You will quit eventually’.
But that is no excuse so I will start and keep going as long as I can. I will try to keep you posted on how that is coming along.
I am also making plans to promote my book and I will keep you posted about that too.
Now how about you? Is there something that you want to make a plan for?
Don’t give up. There is hope, there is always hope, for all of us.